3 Ways You’re Probably Limiting Your Success

“I like to see what I am made of, see exactly if there is a limit to the human soul.”

These words by super human navy seal David Goggins, who’s daily routine is :

*Wake up at 3am, run 10-15 miles.
*Bike 25 miles to work.
*At lunchtime run 5-8 miles.
*After work ride home 25 miles.
*Do weight training (with wife)
*Sometimes after arriving home do a 3-5 mile run.

I know exactly what some of you are thinking… “Wow that is amazing, HE is amazing, there is no way I could ever do that…”

David wasn’t always this way.

At one point in time he was 280 pounds and had never ran more than 20 minutes.  After several failed attempts at a professional football career, David decided he wanted to become a navy seal.

The recruiter warned him that his weight would probably prevent him from finishing “Hell Week” and realizing his dream of becoming a navy seal.

Finish he did.

He also completed the U.S. Army Ranger school.

He also completed the Air Force tactical air controller training, making him the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces’ history to complete all 3.

Which brings me to today’s lesson.

Today I want to share with you 3 ways we limit ourselves:

What’s possible.

For years many people said it is impossible to fly.  Then they doubted it was possible to send a man to the moon. At one point they thought is was impossible to run 1 mile under 4 mins.

All of these things that were thought to be ‘impossible’ have been proven wrong.

How do you prove them wrong? By doing it.

Can you prove that something is NOT possible?  NOPE.

It’s impossible to prove a negative.  (ouch my brain hurts thinking about that)

Try that one on again.

What I’m capable of.

In David Goggins’ case, I know many of you are thinking…”good for him, but there is no way i could do that.”

And the truth is YOU ARE CAPABLE. There are examples of people with physical limitations, accomplishing similar feats.

With the right beliefs and dedication, I am certain that everybody reading this could accomplish at least ONE of his feats.

What I deserve.

This is one that many people find hard to believe. They don’t think it is possible that they would actually sabotage their own success.

The way that I teach this concept is like this. Imagine that you and your friend were supposed to hop on a plane headed to NY. You later change your ticket for a later flight. Your friend’s plane crashes.

How do you feel, besides sad?

Wouldn’t you agree that you would start to feel guilty? Not worthy?

Wouldn’t you probably start to ask yourself: “Why did I get to live and NOT him?”

It’s hard to imagine that you were more deserving of life than them.

In life, many people believe that success is a zero sum game. Which means in order for me to be successful others have to fail.

They believe that ‘success’ is reserved for the select few. Unconsciously, they believe “if only a few people can be successful, then why should I be one of them? I don’t deserve it more than the next guy/girl”

Can you begin to see how limiting yourself in any of these ways might stop you from getting what you say you want?

Use David’s story to remind you of what IS possible, that you ARE capable of creating the life and business you want and YOU DESERVE IT!

After looking at David’s schedule and commitment level, I don’t think setting my alarm an extra 45 minutes early is such a commitment:).

You have anything you’re going to re-commit too?

Go out there and make it happen!!

I believe in you,


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