I See Naked People

San Diego, Ca
10X Business Letter

Dear 10X Business Builder,

Opening a presentation effectively can help you communicate your message with impact and it can even help you overcome your fear of public speaking.

In this video I will breakdown, step-by-step, a presentation opening, also known as a presentation statement, that I recently saw in a seminar.

In spite of being afraid of public speaking, the presenter transformed that fear into humor and he captivated the audience immediately.

I took 5 little lessons from that opening statement and now I want to share them with you.


Living, Loving, Giving Large

Jeff Paro
, 10X Business Letter

P.S. If you want more powerful ways to open your presentations, check out our online module Magnetic Openings HERE!


  1. Smruti on March 7, 2013 at 3:29 am

    Hi Roberto,

    Thanks for the great tips on opening.

    I have, in my academic career, some presentations lasting just 5 min. Can you throw some tips on how to kind of engage, arouse their interest and hold them together AND deliver my message in that period?

    Will appreciate your substantial input.
    Best regards,


  2. Presentation Coach on March 26, 2013 at 4:10 pm

    Hey Smruti,

    Here is the video I recorded answering your question, I hope this helps you

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